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The Sputnik DoubleThe Sputnik or negative double is applied and interpreted by the program in its classic form. Put simply, partner doubles when he is prevented by an opponent's intervention from making his intended bid After an opening bid of 1 ♣ or 1 ♦, followed by an intervention of 1 ♠, partner's double promises a 4-card Heart suit and at least 7 points The double functions similarly at the 2-level. Thus after an opening bid of 1 ♦, followed by an overcall of 2 ♣, partner's double promises a 4-card Spade suit and at least 9 points 'Collante' is a further 'optional extra'. For example, after a 1 ♣ opening, the double of an intervening 1 ♦ promises a 4-card Heart suit and the double of an intervening 1 ♥ promises a 4-card Spade suit. A direct response in a major thus promises a suit of at least 5 cards Collante also functions similarly at the 2-level. The double of an intervening 2 ♦ promises a 4-card Heart suit and the double of an intervening 2 ♥ promises a 4-card Spade suit |