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Michael's Cue-bidsStandard implementationUsed as in the standard French system, with hands containing the values for an opening bid. After a minor-suit opening, an overcall of 2 ♦ shows a hand with two 5-card majors. After a major-suit opening, a cue bid shows a hand containing 5 Clubs and 5 cards in the unbid major. The overcall of 3 ♣ after a major-suit opening shows a hand containing 5 Diamonds and 5 cards in the unbid major. The cue-bidder's partner must choose the suit in which he has the better holding. This option replaces the strong cue bid (more than 20 points) Alternative implementationOnly cue bids of a natural opening bid show a 2-suited hand. Cue bids of minor suit openings show a hand with two 5-card majors. Cue bids of major suit openings show a hand containing a 5-card minor and 5 cards in the unbid major. Partner's response of 2NT asks for a bid of the 5-card minor. This option replaces the strong cue-bid (more than 20 points) LeapingThe bid of four of a minor over a weak major shows a strong 2-suited hand (more than 14 points) containg the bid minor and the other major. For example, the bid of 4 ♣ over a weak opening 2 ♠ shows a strong 2-suited hand containg five Clubs and five Hearts. This type of bid can also be made in the protective position after a major suit has been opened and raised. |